Category Archives: Hair Drug Test Pass

Old Style Aloe Rid Shampoo – Complete Guide

aloe rid shampoo guide

ALOE RID Hair Detox Shampoos: Which is Best? Nexxus Aloe Rid was a detoxifying shampoo made by the company Nexxus. Although this was created as just a regular detox shampoo, drug users started using it to try and pass their hair follicle tests. The original Nexxus aloe rid formula was discontinued because of the intense […]

Detox Shampoo for Hair Drug Test

best hair follicle detox shampoo

Hair follicle drug tests are a common occurrence for employment and law enforcement agencies. During these tests, the inner layers of your hair follicles are tested for the presence of drugs. Hair tests can detect drugs for up to 90 days from use, so you need a high quality drug detox shampoo for hair to […]

The Danger Of Marijuana To Teenagers

It is believed that marijuana is a harmless drug which does not lead to addiction. It is often called the gateway drug as most drug users have been found to start their experience with drugs with marijuana. The ones who are at the highest risk are the teenagers as one in every ten kids use […]